Monday, September 26, 2016


Since he is not in school yet, I will post a couple of really cute and typical Reuben pictures.

This boy LOVES his bike. He taught himself to ride a bike shortly after turning two years old, and he can probably ride more confidently than Adeline or Rigby. The boy is a daredevil and often crashes; but no crash has stopped him from getting back up and zooming around again!

He also LOVES his lion stuffed animal and runs around the house RRRROARING like this all the time. Even on the days where I wonder if I will survive his stubbornness, those dimples can melt my heart.

First Days of School

Peter - 3rd Grade

Rigby - 1st Grade
Scott, Peter and Rigby had just gotten back from the beach the day before, so this is what beach detox looks like on Rigby. He was not happy in the mornings for the first couple of weeks!

Waiting for the Bus

Adeline - Preschool

Beach 2016

I was so sad that I was unable to go to the beach this year. Besides being 30+ weeks pregnant at the time, I also started to develop an awful rash all over my legs (making sleep impossible) and have also gone into pre-labor this pregnancy, so it was probably a good call for me to stay home. No worries about me being lonely though, I had plenty of company with Adeline and Reuben. Even though I missed Scott, Peter and Rigby, I know they had a blast and am so glad they were able to go!

Beach Time



Condo Time




Family Pictures


Kathryn, Stephen, Lindsey, Jason, Samuel, Doug, Kristine, Scott, Melissa, Ryan, Eric, Luke, Gabriel, Josh, Daniel, Rigby, Peter

Helicopter Ride

This house on the end is condemned because of the beach erosion. You can see the sand bags along the coast to try and slow down the erosion.