Thursday, August 31, 2017

Misc Pics - May to Aug 2017

May 2017
 Nana with Rigby, Peter Timothy, Adeline, Reuben

June 2017

Reuben chilling in the garage.

Timothy doing the splits in the tub. Such a cute, chubby little boy!

Reuben found a comfortably snug spot to sleep!

August 2017

Peter at the beach.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

1st Day of School: 2017-2018

Peter - 4th Grade
Rigby - 2nd Grade
Adeline - Kindergarten

Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Beach - Kathryn & Chris's Wedding

Getting Ready

The Ceremony

The Bride & Groom
 Kathryn & Chris

Family Pictures
Kris & Doug

First Row: Gabriel, Doug, Timothy, Samuel, Luke, Daniel, Josh
Second Row: Reuben, Rigby, Adeline, Peter

First Row: Eric, Ryan, Kristine, Kathryn, Chris, Doug, Melissa, Timothy, Stephen
Second Row: Peter Scott, Reuben, Rachel, Lindsey, Luke, Jason, Samuel, Gabriel
Third Row: Adeline, Rigby, Josh, Daniel

Scott & Rachel Family Picture

Jason & Lindsey Family Picture

Stephen & Gabriel Family Picture

The Wedding Party

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Beach - 2017

This van was Scott's childhood family vehicle. Since flying from the West to East coast is so expensive, we asked to borrow the van in order to save some money. We are grateful that we were able to use it but by the end, we realized that this would probably be its final road trip. It kept us laughing as many problems started popping up throughout the trip. By the time we arrived back in Virginia, the passenger door and trunk doors would not open so we had to all crawl through and pull our luggage out the front doors. Also, the floor of the van was rusting out near one of the seat anchors, so we had to make sure not to let anyone sit there for fear the seat breaking through the bottom of the car. Last, the transmission was struggling and overheating so badly that our drinks on the floor felt like they had been zapped in a microwave. We are glad that it had one last road trip in it for us and thought it was a great send off after serving Scott's family for so many years!

Beach Time

Scott & Timothy

Nana Flamm & Adeline

Adeline, Rachel & Timothy

Rigby & Scott


Luke & Reuben

Ryan & Jason

Chilling at the Condo

Josh, Gabriel, Luke, Daniel, Peter, Rigby, Reuben

Eric & Timothy

Reuben & Adeline

Grandpa Flamm & Timothy


Beach Shirts & Rocking Chairs (my favorite part)

Peter, Timothy, Adeline, Rigby, Reuben