Monterey Bay Aquarium
Timothy & Scott next to Monterey Bay
We like to start them young at museums.
Peter, Rigby and Adeline said that they were triplets that hatched from this egg, ha ha ha!
Scott & Adeline
San Francisco Botanical Gardens
Rigby, Peter, Adeline and Reuben standing next to a Redwood Tree.
We had some crazy experiences riding on the subway and bus systems in San Francisco. We actually got off on one of the worst stops in the city; there were so many pot heads. On the bus, Peter and Rigby sat next to a guy that was very nice but super high. Afterwards I told them, "And that is why you don't do drugs." The elevators smelled like urine so badly and Reuben tried picking up a soda cup that I'm pretty sure had urine in it, ha ha ha!
The Golden Gate Bridge
I love this picture of Reuben on top of a cannon. This is at a civil war fort at the base of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Timothy was too heavy for this carrier, so he kept wobbling from side-to-side. I was a little nervous about dumping him into the creek.
The view was beautiful!