Saturday, October 13, 2018

Disneyland - October 2018

This was our last Disneyland trip before our passes expired. Scott's mom is a big Disney fan (and actually has a Disney World pass), so she flew in and joined us for a couple of days at Disneyland. We had a blast (minus Reuben not eating and being difficult and an injury that Kristine got on her leg on the Ferris Wheel) and as usual got a million fun pictures!

Both Kristine and I bought the Maleficent Minnie Mouse ears. I love them! I could really get into collecting Minnie Mouse ears. The kids call them my "evil Minnie ears".

We tired the poor children out and now need another vacation to recover ourselves. We're going to miss Disneyland, but our bank account won't, ha!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Reuben's Bike Parade

Reuben was so excited to bring his bike to school and ride it. That is until he saw the police dog (someone dressed as the police dog McGruff) and then he would not pass within 10 feet of McGruff. Finally the preschool teachers figured out why he would not move, they had McGruff move and then Reuben quickly moved through the little obstacles course. We have had to talk with him about how all large characters like that (Easter Bunny, McGruff, Mickey Mouse, etc) are only people dressed up in costumes; takes away any magic but that is better than a terrified kid!

Reuben's class mascot is Clifford, and they are called the "Big Dogs." Here is Reuben holding up his "license" for completing the bicycle obstacle course.

Tim had to be like his big brother and wear his helmet too!