Saturday, November 1, 2008

Candy Thief

We must admit that our little boy is a bit of a piggy when it comes to food. He screams, begs, grabs, and won't give up until he has his mouth full of whatever he is after. We do not make it to many sit down restaurants with him, because he won't be happy (and I mean scream and cry very loudly the whole time) unless his mouth is stuffed with food the entire time. Food is a serious business with him. I remember when he was little, he would nurse for as long as I would let him; as a result, he would over-eat and end up spitting up half of his meal. So, candy from Halloween was no exception. He was after it in a second. About two minutes after he had begun, he had a package opened and had stuffed a dot into his mouth.

1 comment:

Jen said...

This CRACKS me up. He unfortunatly has the "Freeman Gene". Our kids have it too!