Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Little Boy and Little Blue

Peter went in for his 15 month check-up this last week. He is 31 1/2 inches tall (the 50th percentile) and weighs 22 lbs. 4 oz. (the 25th percentile). During much of the appointment, he happily dismantled the room while I reassembled things, but he completely lost it when it came time to restrain him for the exam and measurements.

Peter and Daddy at our apartment pool.
Peter LOVED it.

He has become such a busy body. I noticed a big spike in energy at 12 months and now at 15 months he has about 20 times more energy. Scott and I have decided that he sucks all of the energy out of us. He has started to climb onto the kitchen table, the computer desk, and has finally managed to outsmart our defenses around the book shelf. Ahhhhhhh! It is a very good thing I love the kid so much, and it also helps that his cute curly locks and big smile melt my heart.

Our poor little Geo Prizm got a bit banged up this last week. Little Blue, as I call it, belonged to my parents for about 5 years and went through two teenagers with only about $300 of damage. We have had it for 3 years now and the grand total of damages during that time are almost $4,000 (more than the car is worth)! The funny thing is that none of them have been our fault. The first time a mechanic jacked the car up wrong while repairing it; the second time a lady backed into it in a Walgreens parking lot; and this third time a teenager backed into it from her driveway while it was parked across the street.

Poor Little Blue

We have been crawling in and out of the passenger's door for the last week. I went through the CVS pharmacy drive-up window the other day, and I couldn't reach the button because the window only rolls down a few inches; so, I ended up having to crawl out the passenger's door and run around the car to press the button. Since you cannot see the damage from the back, I am sure the car behind me thought I was a lunatic. I should have just gone in, but I REALLY hate taking Peter out of his car seat just to put him back in 3 minutes later.

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