Scottie's family has a reunion near Myrtle Beach every summer. So, armed with a bink for the baby, a DVD player for the toddler, and caffeine loaded Mountain Dew for the adults, we began our 20 hour car ride to South Carolina. And guess what? It went GREAT! Now, twenty hours in the car is still no picnic; but when the kids hardly cry, the weather is good, and the car does not break down, I consider it a success to be happy about.
Here are just some of fun things we did:
HANGING OUT WITH THE FAMILYHere is one, of the many, late night sessions of "BANG (great game by the way)." Starting at the bottom: Lindsey, Jason, Rachel, Scott, Kathryn, Eric, Sam, and Lindsey.
Peter, Rigby, and I enjoying the condo pool. Well, Peter was actually extremely terrified of the water, so we bought floats and practiced having him swim back and forth to different people. By the end, he was doing MUCH better.
Peter swimming with Gramper Flamm.
Ryan, Peter, and Rigby relaxing at the condo.
Brothers bonding over video games.
Eric, Scott, and Stephen
Daniel and Rigby playing with a clothes basket. This age is great because
anything can be a toy.
Here is Peter trying on hot pink ear plugs.
Peter and Kathryn glued to the computer.
Rigby, Stephen, and Gabriel
You cannot tell when you look at them, but Rigby and Gabriel are only six days apart!
Great-Grandpa Freeman and Peter
Rigby and Melissa hanging out at the Freeman Family Reunion (Scott's Grandfather's family).
THE BEACHScott, Rigby, Lindsey, Jason, and Daniel hanging out under the beach umbrella.
Peter throwing a tantrum at the beach. Oh, ya gotta love two year olds.
Rigby mostly just hung out in his stroller while we played at the beach.
Scott, Rigby, and Peter
The kids really did love the beach; they just do not love picture time.
Lindsey, Jason, and Daniel
(Scottie's brother and his family)
Daniel (9 months) is a little fish. It was so cute to see him crawl off into the ocean-supervised, of course!
Gabriel and Rigby looking cool in their sunglasses and hats.
Peter LOVED playing in the sand. Here he is dumping sand on Eric.
Peter usually screamed when we first drug him out into the waves, but after a little while, he started to enjoy them.
Peter had a blast. With so many people around, there was plenty of soda and treats sitting around for him to swipe. Rigby had so much entertainment to keep him happy as well. It was crazy having 16 people (3 of which were babies) in a condo with one bedroom and a loft, but it actually worked out quite well. We were at the condo for seven days, and the babies and Peter pretty much slept through every night.
The 20 hour car ride back went okay. We had no major problems, but a lot of minor ones. We ran into a lot of traffic and it rained fairly hard for half the trip. Also, both Scott and I were suffering from sleep deprivation and head colds. Thankfully it will be a while before we attempt another car ride like this one. At least I hope so.
P.S. This climbing vine, originally from Japan/China, is everywhere in the South. It is called Kudzu or "mile-a-minute vine," among other names. I love how it just blankets the plants; unfortunately, the plants are eventually choked to death. It looks really neat though, huh?