Friday, September 10, 2010

My Life Just Got Crazier . . .

. . . because this cute little stinker . . .

. . . has just learned how to crawl, . . . and this cute big stinker . . .

. . . is being potty trained (we hope).

Rigby started with an army crawl, but that only lasted for a week. He is much more proficient now. In fact, today he almost crawled right through a little pee puddle that Peter left at the base of the stairs. Oh, potty training. How am I ever going to survive this adventure?!

Another unfortunate result of crawling is that the "Ninja Spitter" (as Scott's family affectionately calls Rigby) is recoloring my carpet with his spit up. Every time I walk into a room, I see new orange spots, and I am always stepping in little orange puddles on the tile. I really hope his digestive system gets it's act together soon! He is such a happy baby and so cute that I can never be upset with him for more than a few moments though.

Let's see, what else is going on?

Oh, our electricity went out for 9 hours the other night, so for dinner we had to warm up canned soup on our backpacking stove. It felt nice to be prepared. Scott has that silly look on his face because he was trying to get Peter to smile.

And this picture made me laugh. I found George like this the other day. I wonder what he did to deserve this?
One last story that happened about a month ago. Peter is fascinated by the garage door. When I was opening it the other day, he grabbed onto the ascending garage door until he was hanging 8 feet above the ground. I was in shock because I thought for sure the door would have stopped with the extra 30 pounds hanging off it, and I thought he would have let go before getting that high up. His screaming brought me out of my daze, and I ran over to help him down. I think he learned his lesson though, because now he keeps his distance when the garage door is going up!

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