Kristine (Scott's Mom) was able to visit during the rodeo in March, so we decided it would be a great opportunity to go while the adults outnumbered the kids. The rodeo runs almost the entire month of March in the Reliant Stadium. We really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend going. Here are some pictures of our little escapade . . .
Rigby riding on Grandma's shoulders. The kid always looks so serious with his furrowed-brow look.
Before going into the rodeo, Kristine treated us all to a ferris wheel ride at the carnival. She has a thing for ferris wheels; in fact, she has been known to randomly stop along the road just to ride a ferris wheel.
Scottie and Rigby posing for a picture on the ferris wheel (Rigby does not easily smile unless he is feeling up to it).
the "bucking bronco" event
the "cattle roping" event
One of my favorite events was watching the FFA students chase the cattle and drag them into the middle of the floor.
Another one of my favorite events was seeing the little kids (probably only 5 or 6 years) holding onto these sheep for dear life. It was pretty cute!
Our attempt at a family picture.
The country band Sugar Land performed for about an hour at the end.
Grandma worked her magic on Rigby, and he slept for the entire concert.
The kids were pretty good. Things almost fell apart at one point and for a little while I was very jealous of all the couples w/o kids and the single adults that just sat and enjoyed their evening; but thankfully, Rigby passed out from exhaustion and Scott bought Peter a snow cone--the best $5 ever spent! As Scott and I sat there during the concert, I had one of those "I love my family" moments. I was sitting next to my sweet hubby with his arm around me and my head on his shoulder; my cute little 3 year old was dancing in his seat while eating a blue snow cone that had turned his entire mouth blue; and my sweet baby was sleeping so peacefully in grandma's arms. It's interesting how those moments can come when you least expect it.