Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Growing Up

This terrible piece of mail came the other day:
The fact that my little boys are growing up so quickly has finally hit me this year. We did not celebrate Rigby's birthday until a week later because I was in denial about my baby turning into a toddler. Turns out, postponing birthdays does not stop them from growing up-go figure! I guess we will just have to enjoy them as much as we can and take a lot of pictures and video. Enough of my dramatics, here are some cute random pictures of my boys:

As usual, Peter is being a cheese-ball and Rigby is looking so serious. Gotta enjoy matching outfits before they start to hate it!

Peter loves his choo-choo trains. It is so much fun to see him play so creatively with his trains. The other day, Peter was casually driving Thomas along the tracks when he had his other trains say, "GET THOMAS!" All the other trains pounced on Thomas and threw him across the room along with half of the tracks. This is why Peter's nickname is "the destroyer."

Peter, G, and Daddy sleeping on the couch.

This face just melts my heart. He really is such a sweet and sensitive little boy.

Peter has begun to dress himself.

I think he still needs a little help.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I can't believe that Rigby is a year old! I got that same piece of mail a couple of weeks ago. Man, why can't they stay little forever? It sure is fun watching them grow though. Peter is such a cutie. He has so much personality.