Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween 2011 (only 5 days late, not 7 1/2 months)

I decided that I needed to make our house look more festive for the holidays this year, so I have been working on getting some Halloween, Fall, and Christmas decorations. Many of our walls are empty from every day decor, so getting seasonal decorations to put up was not on my list of priorities. However, the kids are at the perfect age to get excited about simple decorations like window stickies, so we have made a few purchases at the dollar store, Target's dollar section, and Hobby Lobby. Here is what we came up with for Halloween on the mantle. Not great, but better than nothing right? And yes, after 2 1/2 years there is still no picture above the fire place. Someday, someday . . .

We also found some cute little pumpkin socks that the boys went crazy over.
After seeing them roll in the dirt while camping, I was a little surprised that they did not dive into pumpkin carving.
Peter just enjoyed being his normal goofy self and refused to put his hand in the pumpkin; but he did like to dump the seeds back into the pumpkin after all of my hard work of getting them out!

Rigby was fine getting a little dirty after I grabbed his hand and made him pull out some pumpkin guts.

They loved seeing our "scary face" and "ghost" pumpkins lit up at night and they absolutely LOVE their glow in the dark "bones shirts."
Since the kids got plenty of candy at our ward Halloween party on Saturday, they just stayed home and helped us hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters on Monday. Peter LOVED giving the kids handfuls of dum-dums (yup, I'm cheap; I gave the good stuff away at the ward party). The kids were so wound up after all the trick-or-treaters coming by that it took them until 11 pm to settle down enough to sleep.

And the GRAND FINALE of Halloween. My handsome little knights.

Here is Peter as a "dragon knight" (as he calls it).

Here is Rigby as a "lion knight."

And the greatest part of being a knight is sword fighting with daddy!


Kristie said...

Love it - I always had out my kids trunk or treating candy to the neighborhood kids on Halloween - talk about cheap!

Jen said...

Cute cute cute! Your boys are getting sooo big!