Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dewberry Farm

For playgroup with our church, the kids and I went to a local type of "amusement farm."  There was a playground, tractor rides, various slides, trampolines, animals, etc.  I only lost track of Peter a couple of times (I am considering cloning myself because I cannot keep up with all three kids, ahhhhh!).  All in all, the kids were great and we all had a blast.

Peter the fireman

 Rigby feeding the goats.

 I love Peter's goofy facial expression.

The boys got to gather tiny pumpkins.  Rigby has been in heaven this Halloween season because orange is his favorite color and there is a plethora of orange to be had this time of year!  He has had a preference for orange since he was one.

 I think the boys went down this "roller slide" about 20 times each (constructed of PVC pipes that rolled as you went down).

 This homemade tractor-cow ride was my favorite thing.

I love seeing the kids have fun!  It makes the hassle of dragging them all three out and about worth it.

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