Monday, August 8, 2016

Summer Fun 2016

Along with some McDonald's Runs, a dollar movie and probably way too much television, here are some things we did on our Summer List:

Cub Scout Day Camp
Peter spent five days from 8am until 4pm at cub scout day camp one week this summer. I wish I could have gone, but thankfully Scott was able to go with him on the last day and get a few pictures. They did BB gun shooting, archery, swimming, wood working, fingerprinting, flag ceremonies, knot tying, and many other fun things. Peter said his favorite was the archery because he got the most bulls eyes.

Father's Day
The kids had so much fun helping me to buy candy to make this poster for Father's Day. I love watching the kids get so excited to see Scott come home from work or church. I am so grateful that our kids have such a wonderful Dad. We love you Scottie/Dad!

Peter, Adeline and I were brave and tasted cricket cookies as well as a type of worm cracker dip. Yummy!

 Reuben enjoyed throwing a 30+ minute screaming and crying tantrum. Thankfully Scott was willing to deal with him. They went out to the front desk area where he entertained everyone passing by.

 All the kids loved the butterfly garden where the butterflies will occasionally land on you--except Adeline. Every time a butterfly landed on her, she would instantly freeze in terror and start freaking out. Afterwards she said that she still likes butterflies and thinks they are "bootiful," but that she does not want them to get near her.

Picking Blueberries

A quick thunderstorm rolled by, so we ended up waiting 20 minutes under a little shelter until it passed.

 Adeline and Peter with some friends that we ran into while picking blueberries.

New Orleans Zepher's Baseball Game
We were able to attend a minor league baseball game on Independence Day. It was fun but SO HOT! Unknown to us, Adeline was still feeling unwell with a stomach bug. Between her queasy stomach and the heat, she ended up throwing up all over the ground and a little on Scott and I. I took her out to the car where she changed clothes and slept while the game finished and I was able to watch fireworks from the car. It really was fun despite Adeline's unfortunate event. Peter is really starting to enjoy watching baseball now that he has played for a few seasons, and Rigby and Reuben just enjoyed spending time with Daddy and watching the fireworks.

Pregnancy Projects
I have been crazy busy completing projects that have been sitting around for years. It is the only way I have been able to distract myself from the emotional roller coaster of this pregnancy. 

Here are some pillows I made with Peter and Rigby's artwork from school.

Here I am at almost 32 weeks. In pictures I do not look too big, but from my point of view I am HUGE this pregnancy!

Unwelcome Guests (NOT on the Summer List)
Lice again! Ahhhh! I think Adeline brought it home this time and we all got it. I had lice for the first time during Reuben's pregnancy and now we all got it again. This is one thing I hate about living in such a humid climate with so many bugs.


Library Reading Program and Snoballs
The kids had to read or be read to for 12 hours for the summer reading program. Peter and Rigby got a gold medal (olympic theme this year) and Adeline and Reuben got a little football. We went and got snoballs as a treat after getting prizes at the library. Snoballs are a big deal here in Louisiana and are basically finely ground snow cones with over 100 flavors to choose from.

Adeline and Reuben spent a lot of time in the little pool while Peter and Rigby had swim practice.

Random Pictures

Popsicle's on the swing were a must in the Southern heat!

Adeline loves making silly faces for the camera these days. Here she is with one of her many primary creations. I think they were learning about being thankful for their bodies, so they made life sized posters of themselves to decorate. 

This is what Reuben does whenever Scott or I leave to go somewhere. He must open the door for us, then he closes it and lastly, he stares out the front door window as we drive off.

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