Last minute we decided to make a trip to Utah for Thanksgiving. It's a family tradition to stop by as many temples as we can when we are on road trips; so this time we were able to stop by St. George, Utah Temple
The adults had a lot of fun visiting and the kids had a lot of fun playing. We were really lame and didn't get any pictures with my family except the professional pictures that my mom planned. Opps!

Jason, Lindsey and their kids (four boys and one girl just like us) were visiting Lindsey's parents for Thanksgiving; so we were able to get together for a few hours to talk and play together.
I loved Marissa's shirt so much that I went and bought the same one, ha!
It was a fun trip, but quick. We traveled all day Wednesday, spent Thursday, Friday & Saturday cramming in as much as possible, and then traveled back all day Sunday.
This picture sums up our drive home. It is called "Terrible's" (a convenience/gas station chain in the area). On a non-busy day it would have taken us 2-3 minutes to get back onto the freeway from this store, but because it was the last day of the Thanksgiving weekend it took us 20 minutes! We also tried stopping at a rest stop, waited in line for 10 minutes and then found out they had to close because the toilets stopped working from too many people. Ahhhhhh! We also waited at one intersection for an hour. What should have been a 12-14 hour day (including stops), turned out to be an almost 18 hour day (with minimal stops too). I will never drive back on Sunday of a major holiday again.