Monday, February 11, 2019

Rigby's 9th Birthday

Rigby got a Good Mythical Morning shirt, Harry Potter Legos, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans (HP), The Cursed Child book, more Vex robotics, a video game Amiibo, restaurant & movie coupons and money.

Rigby has making so much progress in school this year. His reading level has jumped up a to 6th grade and he got a math award for being one of the first in his class to reach the furthest in the math program. He is hoping to make it into Robotics next school year and wants to continue participating in chess club. Rigby has made a really good friend with a neighbor boy, Liam, and it makes me so happy because I know he has wanted to have what he calls a "true friend" for a few years. He loves the outdoors and is always asking to go camping. I am so proud of Rigby for being such a great example of a peacemaker and faith for his siblings. We love you, Rigby!

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