Thursday, February 26, 2009


I have been tagged to list 6 quirky things about myself, so here it goes (sorry I am getting to this so late KaraLee):

1 - I have an obsession with brushing my teeth. I brush them after every meal and even after snacks or before I go anywhere. I cannot stand it when my teeth are not clean and smooth.
2 - I walk around on my tip-toes around the house.
3 - When I am standing without shoes, I often only stand on one leg; I bend my right leg and rest my foot against my left leg (I think it is some sort of ballet pose or something). I often wonder if I did a little ballet in heaven, and then I remember I have absolutely no coordination in the lower half of my body!
4 - I have to have the kitchen clean. No matter how tired I am, I always find myself in the kitchen before bedtime. I can sleep with any other room dirty, but not the kitchen. I just find it so discouraging to wake up to a dirty kitchen.
5 - I am very picky about deep cleaning. Now, I often have a dirty/cluttery house, but when it comes time to deep clean, I get into every nook and cranny. I've asked Scott to clean the toilets a couple of time, but I always end up re-cleaning them because I still see dirty spots when he is finished. So, we have a deal where he picks up clutter and takes care of Peter while I do all the deep cleaning.
6 - I eat grilled-cheese sandwiches with a fork. First, I cut away and eat all the crust, and then, I eat the middle (the best part)! This way I don't get my hand greasy. It sounds weird, but I've had a few friends and my hubby do the same thing after they saw me do it. It's a good idea; you should try it.

I sound like a clean freak. Well maybe I kind of am-oh well.

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