Sunday, March 29, 2009

Peter Stew Anyone?

I know these pictures are old, but I thought they were so dang cute. Scott's brother happened to put Peter into a stock pot at Christmas and then it turned into a photo shoot. He was just able to e-mail them this weekend, so I thought they would be fun to post on our blog. So, here they are!

Let's see what have we been up to? Well, last weekend we went to Battleship Texas. It was really fun and interesting. A battleship that was built during WWI to hold 500-800 men that ended up going through WWII and holding 1800 men! Way too close of living quarters for me. There were beds in hallways and hooks for hammocks in pretty much ever nook and cranny of the ship. Oh, and 1200 men shared a bathroom. Granted there were about 30 toilets and 10 shower heads (w/o any curtain), but I'll bet the bathroom was a busy place!

We have been trading off with another couple in the ward for babysitting once a month. So, we know we are guaranteed at least one date a month. Yeah!!!

Peter is learning body parts. He knows belly button, nose, hair, and his favorite by far eyes. He practically pokes our eyes out when we ask him where eyes are and he keeps trying to lift up our shirts to point to our belly buttons (in fact he tried to do this during church today:).

Oh, his new favorite new things is to pick up the many beetles that have decided to invade our apartment and bring them to us (alive). In fact, the other day he was picking up live penny-sized beetles and throwing them onto the entry way tile because their shells made a fun sound. Scott ended up sweeping them out the door while Peter cried because his new friends were being thrown out. Mean daddy. They have become such a problem that Scott has found one in bed and I have found two. Last night my eye started to itch, but it was really just a beetle crawling across my eyelid. It is a good thing I'm not squeamish about bugs, but still it is really disgusting.

Well, I think that is the end of my novel. The only other thing I can think of is that we start house hunting this next month. I am so excited!

1 comment:

KaraLee Anderson said...

LOL!!! Peter Stew is the funniest thing I've seen in a while! What a little cutie pie!