I have been busy trying to get some things done before the baby gets here, so I have not taken the time to post anything lately. Here is a little of what we have been up to since Christmas.
My friend, Shauna, her husband, Trevor, and their twin girls came to visit for New Years Eve. We loved having them over! We enjoyed the holidays by ourselves, but it was nice to have some company. Shauna and I enjoyed ditching the kidos and hubbies to go shopping for new purses and just getting out!!! Scott and Trevor enjoyed playing video games on their computers. The kidos (all three almost 2 years old) just ran a muck playing with toys and each other the entire weekend. Here are some cute pictures of the kidos.
Moriah and Peter
Clara, Peter, Moriah
The table and chairs were a hit
and a constant source of contention for the odd kid out.
Peter has been very content to play with his tool bench. His latest interest is actually dismantling it. He managed to take the black top part off shortly after this picture was taken.
He is also obsessed with wearing hats lately
(or "wa" as he calls them).
Scottie and I were able to make our last trip to the temple before Rigby makes his debut. I did not realize how spoiled I was in Utah being so close to many temples and having my parents as built-in babysitters. It really is a miracle when we make it there, and we only live one hour away from the Houston Temple.
Scottie has been enjoying his video games as much as he can before we become parents to two little boys. He has also been completing some items on my "honey-do list". Here are Scottie and Peter fixing my piano bench. Cute!
Aside from getting things ready before the baby comes, I have just been getting fatter and fatter. The no sleeping and feeling like an enormous beached whale part has hit. Five more weeks until Rigby's ETA (or so I hope)! I could go for less too.
Oh, a few more things about Peter. He is obsessed with Mike (Monsters, Inc.). It is the only movie he will watch for more than 10 minutes. I get requests for Mike multiple times a day, but I usually restrict it to no more than three times a week. Next, this last week he made the transition from the crib to a mattress on the floor. So far, so good (knock on wood ;).
Also, Curious George is a new favorite of Peter's. I often find Peter putting George night-night, folding his arms to pray, feeding him, telling him "no, no, no", sticking him on the potty chair, and other cute little things. It is so much fun to see Peter develop fun new ways to play with things.
Good-bye, until Peter's birthday next week!