Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Hospital Pictures

Here are some more pictures of Rigby and the family:

The only time Peter has cared to pay attention to Rigby is when he is pointing out his nose, eyes, ears, etc.

Peter refused to hold Rigby for a picture and wanted nothing to do with me when I was holding him. It was a miracle we got a picture this good.

My novel if you care to read it:

Rigby's arrival turned out very different than I expected. I began having bad cramps, stomach aches, and nausea throughout the weekend starting on Friday. Then, about 7:30 Sunday night some decent contractions began about 10-15 minutes apart. After an hour or two, they stopped; I thought, "False alarm." That night I continued to have the bad cramps like the previous two nights, so I did not think much of it.

About 7:15 Monday morning, the contractions started again at 10 minutes apart. I decided to take a shower and see how I felt after that. I discovered blood everywhere (sorry for the gory details), so I called Scott at work and said, "Come home. It's time to go to the hospital." While he was taking a cab home, I got Peter ready for my friend to pick up. Every time I leaned down and said, "Ouch, ouch, ouch," Peter laughed-thanks kido :).

Anyway, my friend and Scott showed up at 8:40, and then, Scott and I left in a hurry for the hospital. That is when things got really bad! In the van my contractions were coming less than 5 minutes apart, and I was yelling some not so good words. When we pulled up to the hospital at 9:05, I could not walk very far and there was not a single wheel chair in sight. So, while Scott and the hospital employees were rounding one up, I gradually drug myself into the lobby. Everyone was staring at me as I moaned and squirmed through each contraction. When I got to the room, the nurse said, "You are fully effaced and dilated." My reply was, "So does that mean I don't get an epidural?" YEP! No pain killers for me. I flipped out a little until the nurse told me I needed to calm down. The pushing began and 10-15 minutes later Rigby was born at 9:54-less than one hour after arriving at the hospital. I came way too close to delivering him at home or in the car for my comfort!

This was much different than Peter's 9 1/2 hour labor, 1 1/2 hours of pushing, and an epidural. The only similarity is that they both came early. Peter came 11 days early and Rigby came 7 days early (good boys!). Recovery has been GREAT without all of the epidural side effects. However, I don't know if I would have the nerve to go natural again if I had a choice; I am a complete wimp. Well, enough of this novel, I have a poopy diaper to change!


Jen Petty said...

Way to go girl! No epidural! I didn't have one with Elia, but it sure was nice to have with the other two. How funny I called you on Monday! What a coincidence! Congratulations.

The Wilson Pratt Wilson Family said...

Congratulations Rachel! Rigby is very handsome. I can't believe your birth story! I wonder how different my second one will be than my first. I am hoping I do make it to the hospital in time to have the epidural, haha. I don't know if I could handle that! Good job actually making it to the hospital though, and not having him in the car! That would have been a good story, though. You're brave!

Jen said...

Congratulations! I am very very happy for you both! Your story sounds like a Kristine story. She was always showing up to the hosptial last minute. You should follow in your mother-in-law's foot steps often as she is a very good woman, however this is one you should avoid!!!