Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Poor Baby

Well, he technically is not a baby anymore, but I am still in denial about that. Rigby has had really bad luck lately. Sunday night he tripped on some toys and fell against a window sill; he got a little cut next to his eye and a nice black eye. This picture is from the next morning after it had swelled up.
Then, Monday night he stepped right on top of a fire ant hill and got about 150 to 200 stings all over his arms and legs. They look awful now because they have started to form puss pockets.
I stayed up until 2 am watching him sleep because I was afraid he might start to have an allergic reaction/anaphylaxis shock. We actually took him to the doctor the next morning and they had us give him an antibiotic so that he will not get an infection when the puss pockets start to burst. My poor baby boy! He has been so amazingly patient with all the discomfort and pain, but hopefully Rigby is done with injuries for a long while!


Kristie said...

Oh my goodness!! That is so sad!

Jen said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That is so sad. I hope he is doing better.

Clay said...

Rigby is a trooper!