Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grandma Stewart's Visit

My Mom was able to come help me with the kids and visit during part of the time Scott was gone on a work trip to Africa in February. It was great to have another adult to talk with after almost a week by myself with the kids. We were also able to accomplish a lot of things I have been wanting to do before the baby is born. We cooked about 5 meals to stick into the freezer and we were also able to tie and bind the jean quilts for the boys that I was suppose to finish at Christmas.

They were both in such crazy and goofy moods during these pictures.

This picture is such a typical Rigby expression. Peter usually communicates his emotions by his actions and verbally; Rigby, on the other hand, subtly communicates his emotions by facial expressions-especially through his eyes.(I LOVE this picture. The boys love it too because they think it is cool that they have red eyes:)

We were also able to have some fun and visit the zoo. Rigby has not been to the zoo since he was a baby, so it was a new and memorizing experience for him; in fact, we had a hard time getting him to cooperate for pictures because his attention was so riveted on the animals.

Rigby, Grandma Stewart, and Peter with the elephants.

Peter wanted to be like the grown-ups and take pictures with my cell phone. As you can tell from his facial expression, he was pretty serious about his task.

The anteater was one of Peter's favorites.
Here is Peter trying to restrain Rigby for a picture in front of Africa (very appropriate since Scott had just gone there for work).
Peter LOVED the noise and chaos of the drums in the Africa Forest.
Rigby enjoyed brushing the goats (these poor animals must be drugged or half dead to let kids do this to them day in and day out).

Rigby also LOVED playing peek-a-boo on the little playground.

We decided to end our zoo visit in the air conditioned buildings. Both boys LOVED the reptile building. Their favorites were the snakes (or "nakes" as Rigby called them) and the albino alligator.
Rachel, Rigby, and Peter with the albino alligator.
*Excuse my chubby prego face.

Rigby was absolutely fascinated by the fish.
One last zoo story: While we were watching the elephants, one of them started to do it's business and pooped for about 5 minutes straight. So now whenever we mention elephants, Peter talks about how the elephant was pooping while he was trying to take a picture. I know it is a gross story, but I think it is absolutely funny when my little boy talks about it. It is good we are having a girl next because I think my humor is becoming tainted by my silly boys!

Thank you for visiting and helping Mom! The boys also want to say thanks for their toys. Rigby has to find his "Nemo fish" and Peter has to find his white alligator before every bath.

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