Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rigby's 2nd Birthday

Since Peter's birthday is on two weeks before Rigby's, Rigby knew what to expect and was very excited. My usually calm, non-expressive little boy (minus the 2 year old tantrums that have begun) grinned ear-to-ear the ENTIRE day; it was incredibly cute!

Here is Rigby with his sweet grin.
Rigby chose the fire-engine cake at the store and I attempted to decorate it. However, I had an emotional break-down because things were NOT working out (I blame it partly on pregnancy:). I begged Scott to let me take fists full of the hideously ugly cake and throw it into the trash, but he insisted the cake must be finished. So, he took the next 10 minutes to ice the cake while I switched between bawling and laughing because I was so upset and yet knew how ridiculously dramatic I was being. I'll admit my tantrum rivaled Peter's abilities (and I wonder where he gets it from ;).

Rigby loved his blue fire engine cake!
Things do not have to be perfect-lesson learned (for now).

Rigby also LOVED all of the attention he was getting. Usually Peter steals most of the spotlight. In fact, Peter told me he was going to destroy all birthdays (except his) because he was so incredibly jealous of all the attention Rigby was getting. Scott and I had a lot of talks about how he was not being nice and how sad he would feel if someone destroyed his birthday. Finally, I got him excited by letting him pick out gifts for Rigby: a little doggie pillow pet and bubble bath (that maybe Rigby would share); that seemed to work him out of his dramatic state.

Rigby got little Buzz, Woody, and Bullseye figurines. He also got counting cookies in a jar, money, and a book from grandparents/family.

He finished off with a fire engine that makes noises.
Sorry for all the drama Peter and I caused on your birthday Rigster. Good thing you are so sweet, calm, and patient like your Daddy. We love you sweet Rigby!


Kristie said...

That cake turned out adorable!!!

Jen said...

Okay, I just am laughing over here. First of all, Rigby is so so cute. I just love that smile in the first picture. You can tell how authentic it is. He is really happy! And 2nd, Peter! CRACKING UP AT HIM. I am going to DESTROY all birthdays is just so funny to me. Thank you for the laugh, Peter! Finally, you can be as emotional as you need to be. It's tough work being a mom, especially while bing pregnant. I think the cake seriously looks awesome. I could never pull that off.