Saturday, June 1, 2019

School Work: 2018-2019

Here are some of the kids school work and some other projects that they were really proud of this past school year.


This drawing and self description are so Peter, ha! (it says, "I am technical, logical, skilled, see if worth it, I am Peter")


This is a water rocket that Rigby made out of a soda bottle at school. I got to see him set it off during a Parent-Student night. 

Rigby loves to draw and doodle if he has extra time at school. These were some of my favorite pictures that he drew.

 Rigby made this at home out of recycled materials for Cubscouts. He called it an "Ultrasaurus."


Adeline totally deserved this award. She is a VERY hard worker!


This is a picture of a heart and then the our Nintendo Switch on the bottom right corner. Reuben drew this at church.

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