Monday, December 14, 2009

Our First Christmas Tree

We purchased our first official Christmas tree this year. For the past four years we have been using this little thing that I bought years ago:

This is the first year we are spending Christmas without family, so we decided a larger and more festive Christmas tree was in order:

I really had my heart set on a formally decorated tree, but I have decided that a "hodge-podge tree" (as I call it) has more character and will be more meaningful and fun for our family throughout the years. We have not collected many ornaments yet, so we just purchased some candy canes and glittery snowflakes to fill the tree out.

Peter is absolutely in love with the tree. I told him the candy canes were to stay on the tree and they were just plastic and not treats. However, he saw through my ridiculous bluff and keeps sneaking treats; the candy canes are now on the upper half of the tree. Although, what is even more exciting for him are the lights. No matter how many times he gets in trouble-spanking, time out, lecture-he CANNOT stop plugging and unplugging the lights. I am not even going to attempt putting gifts under the tree because I know it will just be another battle with my curious little boy. Seeing his fascination with plugs, outlets, buttons, electronics, etc. makes me curious to see what he will choose as a future career.

Peter's new favorite activity:

I love it when he sits still and snuggles with me.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Congrats on the tree! Peter sounds just as active as my boys. Good luck with 2 of them! HA!