Sunday, February 10, 2013

Christmas 2012

I am repenting from my long blogging hiatus!!!  Life has taken us for a ride the past few months, so I have had little time or energy to do more than just survive.  The biggest ride has been moving from Texas to Louisiana!  This last move has been MUCH more stressful than any of our previous moves.  Between finishing up DIY house projects, church callings, kids, putting the house up for sale, buying another house, and the holidays, we have been feeling physically and mentally exhausted.  And honestly we have had it easy because with a transfer, we had the option to have the company buy our house in Texas if needed and a moving company packed and moved all of our junk (really moving makes you realize how much stuff you really have and probably do not need!).  People who have to do this without any help are amazing; moving is no picnic!

On to Christmas! 

   Rigby got into the Christmas spirit by wearing stockings and a Santa hat.  
Such a cute lil' boy isn't he?!

Originally we were just going to use my little one foot Christmas tree from college, but a few days before Christmas, Scott bought a tree from Lowe's for $12 because they were trying to get rid of them.  Truthfully, I am glad we only had it for a few days.  The boys could not leave the ornaments alone and Adeline insisted on a steady diet of pine needles.  It sure was fun to see the kids excited about a Christmas tree though.

The main attraction Christmas morning were the Lego Duplos.  Santa was put in charge of acquiring this toy and went a little overboard.  From what I heard, Mrs. Claus was not too happy about 700+ Legos going to a house where two little boys cannot keep 100+ Legos picked up!  The boys LOVED it though and Rigby especially loved his orange Legos.

Here is "Peter the Builder" showing of his construction hat  . . .

. . . and "Rigby the Builder."

I put this picture up because I thought it was cute of Scott in his pj's.  However, when he saw it he said, "if you are going to put that picture up of me, then you have to put one up of you."

So, this is the best (worst) I could come up with of me.  Whatever!

And just so I do not have to end with a picture of me, here is a sweet pic of Adeline. 

She was grumpy that morning, so I opted not to wake her.  I feel horrible that we forgot to take pictures of her opening her gifts though:(.  Sorry Ads, I promise next Christmas will be much more organized and we will get a picture of you!

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