Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our Marriage Survived DIY Wallpaper Removal!

I will admit that I knew there was a strong possibility we might move, but my hatred for the wallpaper in our master bathroom had grown into a ferocious monster that clouded my judgement one afternoon.  As soon as I started tearing, I regretted my decision; it had begun, so unfortunately it had to be finished.  Good thing Scott is EXTREMELY patient because any other husband would have blown up (I love you so much Scottie:). 

Unfortunately the lazy builders put the wallpaper up over the dry wall!  It tore up the paper everywhere except on some of the taped areas.  AHHHHH!!!

Tall Ceilings = More Wallpaper. I passionately HATE wallpaper now!

Scott had to apply a skim coat/joint compound to all of the tears.  The pink parts in this picture are only touch up.  Basically, he had to apply joint compound to every inch of the wall except the taped (white) areas.  After MANY, MANY, MANY hours of sanding, we were ready to tape and texture.

Here I am putting on primer.  I have become very comfortable standing on the top rung of the ladder.

It got a little toxic with the chemicals from the texture, primer, and paint, so Scott and I wore these lovely masks.

Here is the finished product!  New faucets, new towels rings and racks, a new blind, and most importantly NO wallpaper (except that little part under the vanity that we totally overlooked--oops:).

It looks SO much better than before!  
Too bad we only got to enjoy it for about two weeks.

I do not think that Scott and I have fought over anything so much as we did this stupid bathroom.  I told him that if we ever buy a house with wall paper again (hopefully not though), that I will hire someone to do it while he is gone to work and ask forgiveness afterwards.  I am so glad it is done!!!

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