Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Adeline's 1st Birthday

(Never mind that this post is 4 months late!)

Happy Birthday Adeline! 

Here is the decor for Adeline's 1st birthday.  I got carried away and made those paper tissue tassels in the background.  They took forever to make but were completely worth because they turned out so cute.

Here is her beautiful birthday cake that I did not have to make (thank you Sam's Club)!

Here is our little diva opening up her gifts.

She got pajamas, books, and a little purse that sings.  It was really cute to watch her try putting her pajamas on by tossing them over her head.

Cake time!  My favorite thing about 1st birthdays!  She was dainty at first . . .

. . . but soon realized how delicious it was.

Here is the cute Birthday Princess in all her chocolate cake glory!

Love the pictures! Hated cleaning up the mess!

As usual Peter got a little jealous of all the attention Adeline was getting, so he decided to visit his baby days again.  This kid loves to be in the spotlight; silly boy!

The Girls

We love having you in our family Adeline!  Adeline already loves picking out her clothes and wearing necklaces and bracelets.  She likes to be told she is pretty.  She thinks her brothers are the greatest, and wants to play with them all of the time even when they are rough with her (she is just learning to be a tough girl).  I thought she would love her purse, but honestly she thinks the boys cars and trucks are cooler than her purse, so she is not all girly.  She is still very much a Mommy's girl, but also loves to snuggle with Daddy while he rocks her to sleep most nights (spoiled little stinker).  Love you Adeline!!!

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