Monday, July 22, 2013

Phone Pictures Over the Last Year

Here are a bunch of random pictures from my phone from this past year that I have been meaning to post.

Baby Adeline

In our last ward all of these babies were born within a two week time span.  It was Father's Day, so the Moms thought it was appropriate to take a picture with the Daddies.

Adeline - 7 months old

Mommy & Miss Adeline - 7 months

New Territory Splash Pad
We miss having a splash pad that is a five minute walk from our house.




This is Scottie's two week attempt at a mustache/goatee (as part of Movember).

The boys made "girl hair" for Daddy.

Silly Kids in the New House

Peter's "special salad."  It almost made me throw up: bananas, chips, and ketchup.  He tried it and decided it was really a "yucky special salad."

Adeline was so tired she fell asleep on the toy room floor.  This would be common for Rigby, but it is unheard of for Peter or Adeline.

Should I be worried?  At least he has Scott's shoes on to balance out the purse.

I think he was trying to be a "shoe frog."

Just a darn cute picture of Rigby!

Miss Adeline on an Easter Egg Hunt.

We may only have mattresses on the floor for the boys, but really, why do we even buy them mattresses?  Over half the time, we find them asleep on the floor at night.

Chevron Summer Picnic

Rigby and Peter showing off their "spider faces."

Rigby holding a baby alligator.

Peter holding a baby alligator.

The boys LOVED going out on the paddle boat with Daddy.

Rachel's Projects

I made these pillow cases for some birthday parties the boys had been invited to.  I LOVE how they turned out and just had to share.

I think this jello salad is going to become a tradition.  The boys keep requesting it, so I think I will just change the colors for the next holiday.  Hey, I am from Utah--the "jello capitol" of the world!

New Orleans Zoo
We bought a zoo/aquarium/insectarium pass for one year, so we have made several trips to the zoo this year.

Rigby, Peter, and Adeline on an alligator statue.





Peter and Rigby sitting on the lion statue on top of Monkey Hill (why don't they have monkey statues?).

Peter wanted a  picture of the alligator eating his foot.

I think this is my favorite part of the zoo!
Peter & Rigby

Mommy and Miss Adeline

The best picture I could get of all three kids and myself.  Quite the challenge!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Fun to see your kiddos. They are getting so big!