Sunday, July 21, 2013

Utah Trip

The kids and I decided to take a trip to Utah the end of May/beginning of June to visit family and for Marissa's High School Graduation.  For the sake of saving money, I decided to do a lay-over in Denver (with three kids!).  Bad idea--the boys were great, but Adeline did NOT like being confined so she ended up crying for most of our time on the planes.  Oh well, it is over and done with now.  It probably was not as bad as it seems in my head, but I blame pregnancy hormones for that (yep, #4 is on the way and that is a whole other story).  Well, here are a few pictures that my Mom, Marissa, and I captured.

Peter and Isabelle always seem to pick up where they left off--best buds.  They did pretty good during the graduation.  I ended up taking Rigby and Adeline outside to run around and was able to pop in for a few minutes here or there.

Marissa is now an official high school graduate!
Rachel, Adeline, Marissa, Lora, Rigby, Isabelle, Peter

Isabelle and Peter thought they were so cool wearing Aunt Moo's hat.  Really this picture is super cute and sad at the same time; my baby boy is growing up way too fast!

They ALL look very happy and relieved to be done with high school!
Doug, Marissa, Lora

Hogle Zoo
We had quite the crew at the zoo. An umbrella stroller, a double zoo stroller, two wheel chairs, and four adults to push them, plus two walking children.  It was so much fun though! 
Isabelle, Sara, Grandma Farrow, Grandpa Farrow, Audrey, Adeline

Like Peter at the same age, Adeline thought the dog was cute until I revealed its true purpose.  She was ticked!  Rigby is my only child who has tolerated the doggie leash.

Peter and Adeline

The zoo had someone make these awesome Lego animals, like this monkey, and placed them all over the zoo.  The most impressive representation was a Lego polar bear that was the actual size of a real polar bear-sorry, no picture. 

Scheels and Cabelas
We were also able to go ride on a Ferris Wheel at Scheels (a sporting goods store).
Sara, Dad, Marissa, Rachel, Isabelle, Peter, Rigby, Audrey, Adeline, and Lora is taking the picture

Peter, Doug, Isabelle, Marissa

Scheels also had an impressive triple column and archway fish tank.  The kids were not happy to leave this store.

Here are Peter and Isabelle pretending to be mountain lions at Scheels.

Rigby, my future little boy scout.  He is driving me a little crazy lately because he refuses to potty train, yet hates diaper changes.  He also eats like a little piggy; I swear more food ends up on the floor, table, and his clothes than in his stomach!  But his absolute cuteness saves him from my full wrath.

Rigby and Peter playing dogs at Cabelas (another sporting goods store).

Play Time
The kids loved going to Isabelle and Audrey's house and playing in their huge toy room.  I love Rigby's getup in this picture: Mickey Mouse Hat, Grinch Slippers, Grinch and Max stuffed animals.

They played so hard that I was rewarded with a silent ride home.  I almost fell asleep because I am not use to so much silence!

The boys loved playing outside in the cooler weather.  We made a couple of trips over to the elementary school playground near my parents house.
Audrey, Peter, Rigby

Several years ago my dad built a little rocket launcher with an air compressor.  The grand kids think it is the BEST!  They each had their own preferred color of rocket; then, they took turns putting it on the launcher and pressing the red button.

Here are Isabelle and Peter retrieving their rockets.

Adeline is not always being a drama queen, I promise.  She can be goofy and super cute too.  She was having a lot of fun running around and hamming it up for the camera during the rockets.

The kids with their rockets.
Audrey, Peter, Rigby, Isabelle

The kids with their beloved Aunt Moo!  Again, Adeline was very unhappy to be restrained.

Little Miss Adeline
My boys LOVED riding in the laundry basket when they were younger, but Adeline thought she was going to die.  What an overly emotional girl!  Where does she get that from?  (Yep, probably me.)

Here is Adeline sporting Audrey's sunglasses and crazy hair.  She is going through a phase where she takes her dirty hands and smears them in her hair at meal time, so I have to bath her hair after every meal; thus, the crazy hair!

We had a blast!  Thankfully, the plane ride home went well, except Rigby getting lost for 10 minutes at the baggage claim in New Orleans (scary!).  After we got home Peter would say, "Mommy, I miss Isabelle/Grandma Stewart/Grandpa Stewart."  He also cried when we boarded the plane to go home.  I think he is starting to understand what it means to live far away.  The kids were excited to go home and see Scott though.  During the second week, I think Rigby asked me if we could go home and see Daddy every day; he is such a Daddy's boy.  Thank you so much for putting up with us everyone.  We love you!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Congrats on #4!! When are you due?