Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reuben's Surgery

When Reuben was born he had a little birth defect on his little boy parts that needed to be fixed.  We decided that September would be a good month to have it because summer trips would be done.  Grandma Flamm was wonderful to come and help watch the other kids during the surgery and assist while Reuben was recovering.

The Hospital
The nurses gave Reuben something they call "goofy juice" that helps with separation anxiety and administering the anesthetic.  He was so slow and loopy that Scott and I just laughed and laughed because he is usually so fast and rough.  I HATED giving him up for the surgery; I did not realize it would bug me so much.  I am just thankful that it was not a more serious surgery.

While Scott and I were with Reuben at the hospital, Little Miss Adeline tripped and bit through her lip.  Kristine had to end up taking her to the emergency room to get 3 stitches.

At Home
Her is Adeline getting her stitches removed while she was sleeping.

 Reuben was fabulous during recovery.  We had to give him medicine every 8 hours and double diaper him to keep stool and urine separate for 2 weeks.  He had minimal swelling and was so happy the entire time.  He even sat on his knees and bounced up and down; I thought for sure that would hurt, but he seemed to be just fine.  He only had bladder spasms a few times.  I wish my kids were that great as newborns too! 
Peter wrote Grandma Flamm a letter when she and Adeline turned on a princess movie.  He wrote that both he and Rigby HATED princess movies and that they wanted it turned off NOW!

The kids also loved going to the book store with grandma and reading books too.

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