Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Happy Rigby

Starting the beginning of August, Rigby has made almost an instant transformation from being very frustrated and upset to being so pleasant and happy.  I am LOVING this new phase.  Over the past year the poor boy went through a long phase of allergies, exzema, potty training, daily potty accidents, communication difficulties, missing daddy at work, a new baby in the family, etc.  He finally reached a point where all of those things are now under control or resolved so he can start enjoying life again (and by extension me too!).  Here are some fun and cute things he has been up to lately:   

He told me, "Mom, look!  I made a friend!"

Jake and the Neverland Pirates is his favorite show to watch, so when we found this Jake costume at the consignment shop for $10, he was ecstatic.  Scott will say to him, "Hey, Jake," and then Rigby will say, "I not Jake!  I am Rigby!"

The boots for the costume were missing when we bought it, so I made him some little boot covers.  Now he says, "Mom, I love you so much because you made me boots for my Jake costume."

His first official drawing--a robot.  It took a little practicing, . . .

. . . but he has it down now.

He also likes to draw trees with tree houses and ladders.

He use to hate coloring, but now he will finish a coloring job before he will go watch a show!

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