Sunday, March 19, 2017

Timothy's Blessing

Because the holidays made coordinating times with grandparents difficult, we ended up waiting to bless Timothy the end of January at 4 months old. Besides being one month older than when the other boys were blessed, he is also just a big baby so we ended up having to purchase another blessing outfit in a 9-12 month size. At four months he weighed 17 lbs. 12 oz. and was 26.5 inches (both in the 90th percentiles) compared to the other three boys who were closer to the 50th percentiles. We love to kiss those chubby cheeks of his! 

We had plans to bless him at church but Adeline brought home a nasty stomach virus that hit everybody HARD. Since Scott could hardly get out of bed Sunday morning, we asked a very brave bishopric member to come by our house in the evening so we could bless Timothy before Doug and Kris had to fly home the next day. It all worked out in the end and if we have anymore kids, I think I might like to have it at home again (minus the virus of coarse!).

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