This past week we were able to go down to Galveston on Scottie's Friday off. We saw some oil rigs and stopped by the beach while we were there.
The rectangular, black sign below the light in this picture, shows the high water mark for hurricane Ike in September 2008.
Oil rigs are a common sight in Galveston.
Here is an oil rig currently in use that has come in for repairs or maintainance.
Ocean Star Museum
The Ocean Star is a retired oil rig that has been converted into a museum.
Here are Peter, Rigby, and I on the contraption that
the helicopters use to transfer men and their gear on and off of oil rigs.
Ryan and Melissa in hard hats.
Sorry Melissa, but you have bad taste in hard hats (we prefer the Chevron variety). Ryan's choice was acceptable though.
Peter in a hard hat.
Ryan and Melissa posing as rough necks (oil rig workers).
Peter in his dream chair full of BUTTONS!!!
This is an example of the controls area/seat on an oil rig.
Rigby was such an angel.
He hardly made one little fuss in his car seat or
this backpack carrier the entire day.
The Beach at GalvestonThere were several dead jelly fish that had washed up on shore.
I thought they were kind of neat looking.
Ryan, Rachel, Rigby, Peter, Scott, Melissa, Kristine, & Doug
Peter with Grandma and Grandpa Flamm.
I am amazed we were able to get this okay picture of our family.
Peter will NOT cooperate for pictures anymore.
It is so annoying!
I love the little concerned faces that Rigby makes.
He is always furrowing his brows like this.
Oh, one more thing. I thought it was cute that Peter kept saying, "mine, mine, mine. . .," every time he saw birds at the beach like on Finding Nemo.