Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sand Castle Competition

This last weekend we went to a sand castle competition in Galveston. The competitors start early in the morning and then are judged in the afternoon. Here are some of the best ones.
"Alice in WonderSand"
There were a few that had cracked like this.
Peter had just woken up from a nap. He is such a great kid, but waking up is his downfall. I cringe when this time of the day comes.
Here is a guy for scale. Some were even a little taller.
We forgot a hat for Rigby, so he looked a bit dorky with the burp cloth.
Yes, I am carrying both children, and I did for about 10 minutes! They are HEAVY. Peter would not walk (because of his waking up issues) and Scott needed to get the sand out of the camera.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Those sand castles are awesome! It looks like fun! I am jealous, about Kristine's visit, it sure is fun to see family!