Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Easter 2012

All I have to say about this picture is Rigby is 2 and Peter sees candy.
Peter is so fast and furious that he gathered all of his eggs in less than 5 minutes.

 However, Rigby plodded along and took frequent pit stops.

Here is one happy 2-year old!  I wish a bucket of candy fixed my problems this easily.

This talented little girl slept through all of her brothers' chaos and her daddy's photo shoot.

We did egg dying another day because we ran out of time.  I tried having the boys decorate their egg with stickers, but water kept condensing on the outside of the egg because they had been in the fridge.

We abandoned decorating and began peeling.  Peter did well . . . .

 . . . but Rigby did not quite have the coordination and fell apart in 2 year old fashion.

 I cut, warmed, and salted the eggs.  Peter said it was like the book "Green Eggs and Ham."

Peter decided he did not like it, so . . . .

 . . . he decided to feed it to Rigby.

Well, it did not end like "Green Eggs and Ham"!

We had a FHE on Monday after Easter.  Using the nursery manual, we talked about how Easter is a celebration of the Atonement and Resurrection.  I cut out a paper tomb with a large rock that covered the entrance and a Jesus figure.  We showed them how Jesus' body went into the tomb (into the paper hole) and the rock was placed in front (paper rock covers the hole).  Then, He was resurrected, left the tomb (paper rock comes off and Jesus comes out of the hole), and goes up to heaven.  Peter played along, but Rigby cried the entire time.  I sarcastically thought, "Great!  He got A LOT out of that."  The next morning I caught Rigby playing by himself with the paper props doing EXACTLY what we had talked about.  It was really cute and sweet!  You never know what they pick up!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Your kids are adorable!!!