Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Little Mama

Since Reuben was born, one of Adeline's favorite things to do is follow me around and help me be the mommy.  She thinks that she is in charge of ALL her brothers.  She is always pulling Reuben's hands out of his mouth, she helps bring them their clothes to get dressed, she disciplines them, she even chased Rigby across the house the other day to help him wipe his bum after he had pooped! The boys absolutely hate this and tell her, "Adeline, you cannot tell me what to do because you are not the BIG Mama.  You are a little Mama."  Thus, she has gained the nickname of "Little Mama."  Here is the Little Mama in action with her "Baby Jenna" and "Big Minnie."

These days I think the more appropriate nickname for her is "Little Sassy Mama."  This girl has so much sass in her; we really need to get it under control!   She is one dang cute, Little Sassy Mama with pigtails though.

Unfortunately, Scott and the boys think my nickname should be "Big Mama."  I hate it because it makes me sound like a big, fat cow!

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