Friday, February 13, 2015

Rigby's 5th Birthday

The Donut Cake

Rigby got an animal kit, a small Lego set, books and . . .

. . . a bike!
Rigby has been such a joy for these past 6 months.  He talks so much now-yeah!!  He can go on talking for a solid hour sometimes.  He tells everybody in the family that he loves them so much multiple times a day (except Adeline because they are arch nemesis siblings currently).  He knows most of his alphabet now and can write his name.  Rigby is very creative and can spend hours drawing pictures and building with Legos.  He likes to draw pictures of tree houses, his family, frogs, robots, monsters and Voltron.  He also loves Star Wars Legos in particular.  He also loves frogs and his favorite color is blue.  Rigby is very shy and very quiet around most people except his family.  We love you, Rigby!  Happy Birthday!   

A funny story about Rigby:  Rigby got a retro Voltron toy for his last birthday.  A few months later it got broken.  Scott promised him he would fix it but ran into some problem with replacement parts.  Rigby will talk about it for a couple of week and ask Scott multiple times a day to fix it.  Then, he will forget for a couple of weeks until he remembers again.  This has gone on for months.  He is SO patient about it and never gets upset, but just calmly reminds us (so much like his daddy in this way).  Voltron has also made it into his prayers; he will often say thank you for and bless Voltron.  

Rigby, Froggie, and Rigby's bed & blanket

Rigby's Birthday Celebration
(Mommy is the one with gray and green hair; the table has his gifts on it; Rigby is on the chair with balloons; the first balloon Rigby has written his name, the second balloon has a birthday candle, the third balloon has a smiley face on it, and the fourth balloon has Voltron on it)

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