Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rigby's Broken Arm

The beginning of November Rigby and Peter (the two little monkeys) were "jumping on the bed," when Rigby fell off and landed on his arm wrong.  Peter started gloating about how Rigby got hurt and Peter didn't.  Then, when Peter noticed that Rigby was not moving and just continuing to lay on the floor, he came and told me that he thought Rigby was hurt.  Rigby was not crying at all, but just silently and calmly processing his pain on the floor.  I gently lifted his arm and noticed that his forearm was bent unnaturally, so I called Scott and we decided he had probably broken it and needed to make a trip to the emergency room.  By the time we were ready to put him in the car, he was falling asleep.  Scott said he did not cry at the hospital, but just whined a little. He is such a chill kid!

Here is is at the hospital.
Pic to come.

Here is an x-ray of his broken arm.  He broke through the one bone completely through and then broke the other bone about 2/3 of the way.  Thankfully it was a very clean brake and did not swell much at all. 

Rigby had his green cast on for about 2 1/2 weeks.

 He had his black cast on for 1 1/2 weeks.

We decorated his cast for FHE one night: flower, lightening bolt, rain, cloud, smiley face, butterfly, and our family as stick figures. He thought it was awesome and wanted to make sure we got a picture of every side.

He had fun watching the saw cut through his green cast.  However, when we went in to get his black cast removed, I pulled his jacket off and with it came the cast-no need for that cool saw!

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