Here are some fun pictures of the kids and just a little update of what they are up to:
Adeline wants to be like her big brothers and sit at the table. Unfortunately, she cannot sit still and always collapses the chair on herself.
She also loves to get on top of the table to steal food. Her and Rigby have a symbiotic food relationship: Rigby eats messy so that Adeline can come and eat his leftover food from the floor, table, and chair. Yuck! I cannot set the table for dinner until she is strapped into her highchair, otherwise the dishes and food end up all over the house or dumped on the floor!
Most people see the Dr. Jekyll-side of Adeline, but here is her Mr. Hyde-side. Believe me, the girl has an opinion and she can be feisty!
Adeline cannot get enough of trying on any piece of clothing she can get her hands on: underwear, pants, shoes, etc. Also, she absolutely LOVES trying on new clothes at the store.
Here is how Peter feels about trying on new clothes at the store. Finding new school clothes took a lot of coaxing and threatening!
A sweet picture of my Rigster.
Although he is our most stubborn kid, he is so incredibly sweet 90% of the time.
Only kids could be comfortable enough to sleep on a wood floor!
Rigby always has to make sure to strap frog into the seat belt next to him.
Rigby put Scott's clothes on one morning and said, "look, I'm Daddy!"
Peter's ABC-train is officially finished! Rigby is excited to do one of his own now.
Things I Want to Remember About the Kids
Peter - Peter is my musical kid as I mentioned above. I am kind of proud of the fact that he sings in tune most of the time and can remember words and melodies very well. He is quick to learn most things, but if it takes more effort and time than he is use to, he will get frustrated very quickly.
Peter is the typical bossy older brother. He is always trying to discipline Rigby and Adeline like Scott and I would. He is also LOUD and talks ALL the time. Since he has been gone to kindergarten, Scott and I have been blown away by how quiet it is with just Rigby and Adeline. We miss him, but at the same time it is nice to have a little more quiet.
Bedtime is always interesting with Peter or "The King of Excuses" (what I like to refer to him at bedtime). He will run out of his room and say the sweetest things like, "Guess what? You are the best mom and dad. I love you! (followed by hugs and kisses)" It was cute at first, but when it happens multiple times a night or every night, it gets a little old. He will also run out of bed and say, "Guess what? Ummmm...." trying so hard to think of an excuse.
Peter is always so willing to help do most anything, and he is such a great example and playmate to his younger siblings. I never use to understand younger siblings looking up to older ones, but now that I have kids, I can see it so much more clearly. Love you Peter!
Rigby - Rigby has been blessed with the "sweetness factor" a little more than his siblings. I am very glad of this because he and I have a harder time understanding each other and have to work harder at our relationship. Most of the time he is a very easy going kid, but when he decides something, there is no persuading or making him do otherwise. Potty training is on of those things. He hates getting his diaper changed, yet he will not be potty trained. I asked him one day after a frustrating potty training experience, "Rigby, are you a big boy or a baby?" He looked at me innocently and sweetly said, "I'm Rigby."
He has told me on several occasions that he misses Peter during the school day. Although, one thing that has been nice about Peter being gone is that Rigby and I have had a chance to talk and play more together without Peter taking over.
Rigby is very quiet most of the time. He is still having a hard time pronouncing his words, so I think we may take him in soon to get evaluated by a speech pathologist. He can say his ABC's very well, but combining the sounds to make words is hard for him.
Rigby and Adeline are an interesting combination. They love each other but most of the time they fight--especially around nap time and meal times. Adeline wants to play with Rigby and his things, but Rigby just wants to be left alone to do his own thing. However, every once in a while they will have fun running around together. Also, sometimes Rigby will sweetly bring Adeline something he thinks she wants or needs (so cute)!
Contrary to his quiet, easy-going nature, Rigby loves to dance to music. At the beach we had a dance party and Rigby was not shy at all about dancing in front of everyone. He even tries to get down and brake-dance; it is so cute, but where on earth did he get that from?! Love you Rigster!
Adeline - As I mentioned above, Adeline, loves trying on clothes and shoes all day long. She has a specific cry when she is frustrated and cannot get something on how she would like. If her crying goes on for too long, I help her put it on or take it away-it depends on how patient I am feeling or how many times it has happened that day!
She also has a strong interest in the garbage can. Ahhhhh! I bought some socks for Peter and we cannot find them anywhere now! I am positive that she carried the bag of socks all over the house and then decided it needed to be in the garbage can. Other things we have found in the trash: Rigby's special frog stuffed animal and blanket, Peter's special Curious George stuffed animal and blanket, shoes, toys, etc. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I finally have to stick the garbage can in the pantry for a few days, but then I get tired of the smell and opening up the door to put something in the garbage. I cannot wait for this phase to be over!
Adeline is still a Mommy's girl. One on her nicknames is "the leech." When I am trying to do something at the computer or cook dinner, she will grab on to my legs and whine the entire time until I pick her up or shut her in the toy room. Both Scott and I are constantly tripping over her because she loves to follow us around and help us do things.
She likes to have conversations with anyone who is willing to talk with her. She will jabber and then want you to respond. She will go on talking for as long as you will listen to her. Love you Little Miss Adeline!