Friday, March 28, 2014

Adeline's 2nd Birthday


Adeline LOVES Minnie Mouse, so we had a Minnie Mouse inspired cake, . . .

. . . and some Minnie Mouse decorations.

She loves hanging out with Mommy and being held and snuggled. 

Scott had the great idea to let Minnie hold a candle.  Adeline was not sure how to blow out the candles, so Scott ended up doing it for her.

Love those two front teeth when she smiles!

Here she is trying to figure out why there is no juice inside her new Minnie Mouse cups.

Peter could not stay away from the action.  He had to "help" her open almost every gift.

Adeline got a ladybug pillow pet, Minnie Mouse cups, a baby doll, a stroller, a dinosaur transformer (from her brothers:), a book, a tea set, and puzzles.

She LOVES her baby Jenna, her stroller and her Minnie Mouse cups.

Adeline is such a cutie these days.  She is always doing something to make Scott and I laugh.  She is very feisty and definitely all-girl.  Adeline understands most everything, but talking might be an issue with her.  She says "uh huh" to everything and will only say words with the letter D.  For example, she says baby like this:  de de.  She gets the correct amount of syllables and the correct intonation, but she will not use the correct sounds.

I think her favorite colors are purple and pink because those are the color of dishes she usually picks out at meal time.  She does not have a favorite show yet because she will not sit still long enough to watch one.  She would rather help me take care of Reuben or help Scott do something around the house.  We call her our "little shadow" because she follows us around so closely.  In fact we are tripping over her all of the time!

 We love you, Little Miss Adeline!

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