Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Newborn Phase

I have not posted very many pictures of Reuben because for the first two months of his life this is what he looked like when he was not sleeping in our arms: (By the way, Rigby wanted to comfort Reuben one morning so he put frog and turtle next to Reuben's bed.  So sweet!)

I think Reuben has done more crying for the past two months than all of my other children combined.  Peter was a fussy baby, but Reuben definitely has beat him at that game.  The poor boy has had major tummy problems and three colds since he was born.  From about two until six weeks, we could not comfort him despite our best efforts, and the only way I could get him to sleep on a good night was to hold him all night long.   Thankfully, his latest cold is clearing up and his tummy issues are beginning to be manageable.  He is sleeping in his own bed at night and will usually take one nap in the swing during the day.  Also, we can pick him up and comfort him with the pacifier and sometimes without it!  Scott even managed to capture a picture of his almost smile:    

I wish I could say I have handled this all well, but I have been a bit of a wreck the past couple of months.  My kids and husband have been great to put up with my grumpiness-thank you!  I am anxious to see his little personality develop and to get some more sleep!

We love you Reuben! (That is what I repeat to myself when I am at the end of my patience with the kids.)  Keep those smiles coming because they melt my heart little boy!

1 comment:

Hokanson Family said...

Sorry it's been a rough start with Reuben. Something I learned with my 5 is to let them sleep in a boppy. I would prop him up in the middle of it and kind of wrap the outside around him so it felt like he was being help. He slept in that thing until he was 4 months old. It was a dream! Good luck, it will get easier!