Friday, March 28, 2014

The Kids' Creations

For Thanksgiving Peter's teacher sent home a turkey that he was suppose to decorate/camouflage so it would not be captured and eaten.  He decided he wanted to make a "Mr. Rainbow Turkey" as he called it.  Rigby felt left out, so he made one as well.  And Little Miss Adeline just loves getting pictures taken with her big brothers.

Peter's Turkey:

Rigby's Turkey:

The boys LOVE making things with their Lego Duplos.  Some days I really hate that we have almost 1,000 of the dumb things, but seeing them create and use their imaginations makes me happy and helps me tolerate the mess.  Here is Peter's creation inspired by Mr. Business in the Lego Movie:

I guess kids are never too young to start text messaging.  Here is a text that Adeline sent my mom the other night:

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