Friday, March 28, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day was on a Monday, so we made rainbow cupcakes for family home evening.  The kids absolutely LOVED helping me do this.  Peter keeps talking about them and almost everyday since, Rigby has demanded that I make more.

We also had fun trying on our green leprechaun mustaches.  Sorry for the blurry picture, but I was trying to use Scott's new camera and I cannot get it to focus (too much camera for me I've decided:).

This leprechaun hat and beard is one of Peter's creations that he makes after school.  We have had to restrict the use of tape because he goes through it like crazy!

Our silly leprechaun with his "leprechaun trap."  All of the students at his school made one, but that darn leprechaun just stole all of the gold and left the classrooms a mess.  Peter was really upset with the leprechaun and just ranted on and on about it when he came home from school; it was super cute and hilarious.

The leprechaun was suppose to climb up the ladder and get stuck in the container while trying to grab the gold.  I guess he brought a rope with him!  Peter is confident that he will catch the leprechaun next year though!

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