Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Grandma Stewart's Visit & Hanging Out at Home

Thankfully my mom was able to come and help for two weeks after Reuben was born.  I do not think we could have survived without her help.  We were still trying to work on potty training with Rigby, so she helped us to clean up multiple accidents a day.  The poor kid also ended up with diarrhea while she was here, severe nasal allergies, and a terrible eczema rash all over his body that itched so badly he would scratch until he was bleeding.  And to thank her for all her hard work, we sent her home with a bad cold.  Sorry, Mom!

Adeline and Rigby loved to play games on Grandma's phone.

Adeline with her 1st set of pigtails!

Because of the weather Scott was able to stay home for two days of work and help.  He really is helping in this picture because for the first month Reuben would only sleep for long periods of time while being held.

Adeline thinks Reuben's bouncy seat is her personal lounge chair.

She is at the age where most things she does are so adorable.  I love the way these ear muffs squeeze her chubby little cheeks!

Peter wearing his new Christmas tie.

Adeline in one of her many super-cute church outfits.  I love shopping for little girl clothes a bit too much!

Poor Rigby had to stay home from church because we thought his rash was scabies before his allergist told us it was eczema.

For the first month Reuben would sleep with one or both of his hand up in the air.  I am guessing his nervous system was still developing,

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