Thursday, June 25, 2015

Rigby's Preschool Graduation and School Work

Show-Off Day
I was unable to go to Rigby's Show-Off Day at preschool because of strep throat, but Scott was able to go and get a couple of fun pictures of Rigby doing some of his gymnastic moves.

Preschool Graduation
Scott and I were unable to attend Rigby's Preschool Graduation, but my parents went and got some cute pictures of Rigby. All the kids were suppose to wear a "cute summer outfit;" I left one out for Rigby but he insisted on wearing his monkey bones shirt and some khaki pants that were on backwards-oh well.

The kids singing during the program. Rigby is the last one on the right.

Rigby with his "pure gold medal" and all of his teachers.

This is Rigby's cubby spot.

School & Art Work

The kids made a letter craft for each letter of the alphabet once a week.

Rigby's favorite stuffed animal which he calls "Froggy."


Scrooge McDuck fighting an enemy from the show Duck Tales.

Captain Hook with the Golden Smee from an episode of Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

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