Monday, August 25, 2014

Beach 2014

We had so much fun at the beach this year (minus being sick and the many middle of the night parties I had with Reuben;)!  There were a lot of fun moments and many great memories made. 

The kids LOVED playing in the ocean with their clothes on.

Rigby and Peter had a blast digging holes, . . . 

. . . burying themselves . . .

. . . and rolling around in the sand like a pig in the mud!

The cousins had fun playing on the table, . . .

. . . blowing bubbles with (and ON) Grandma, . . . 

. . . climbing all over the extremely tired adults, . . . 

. . . and watching some shows in their jammies.

The adults enjoyed talking, . . .

. . . passing the babies off to the uncles . . .

. . . and aunts, . . .

. . . looking at the beautiful view from the rocking chairs on the porch, . . .

. . . and eating/visiting during the traditional girls'/guys' night out.

We all had fun tie-dying t-shirts, . . .

. . . and just spending time together.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I loved seeing all of the pictures!! We had such a great time with you guys, and the kids still talk about playing with your boys!! Miss you already, Lindsey