Monday, August 25, 2014

Independence Day

The kids were so excited that they actually got to see Daddy for the 3-day, 4th of July weekend because most days this past summer he had been gone to work before they woke up and back home after they went to sleep.  We started off Independence Day with a pancake breakfast at our ward building.  There were also some fun crafts and races.

When we got home we barbequed some fish, . . .

. . . ate some patriotic treats, . . .

. . . played with sparklers, . . .

. . . and watched an at-home fireworks show.

This little man was so brave and did not flinched one bit during all of the noise.

Adeline has to make sure she is copying her big brothers all of the time these days.

It was such a wonderful weekend! Despite its flaws, I am so grateful we have such a wonderful and safe country to live in and raise a family.  We are truly blessed!

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