Saturday, August 16, 2014

Grandma Freeman

We had Family Home Evening one night when Scott's parents were visiting with us for Reuben's blessing.  I think we talked about Easter and then the kids made some pictures/drawings for Grandma Freeman.  She has recently been diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer, so we thought getting something in the mail might lift her spirits.  I promised Peter I would take a picture of it because he was upset that he had to send it away.  Also, I have been wanting to add some pictures and stories of grandparents to our blog so we can see some fun family history stories in our printed blog book.

Kristine told me such a great story about Claudia that I would like my kids to remember.  Leave a comment if I get anything wrong!

Grandma Freeman grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah.  When she was a little girl (how old?), she caught ringworm along with many other children.  The only way to treat ringworm in those days was to shave ALL of the hair off your head.  Her mother took her to the doctor who told her she must shave her hair off immediately so they could get rid of the ringworm.  She begged her mother and the doctor to wait and get her head shaved the next day.  That night at home, she prayed very long and hard to Heavenly Father.  She explained to Him that she was very shy and had very tender feelings.  She told Him that she if she were to have her head shaved, she could not face the teasing from the other children; then, she asked her Heavenly Father if He could take the ringworm away.  The next day her mother took her back to the doctor and surprised them all when the doctor said, "You don't have ringworm anymore!  If you had not come in yesterday and I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that you ever had ringworm yesterday."  

Here are some fun pictures of Claudia with her beautiful hair!

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