Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Misc Pictures from 2015

 Summer Swimming!
We went swimming a lot to deal with the terrible hot and humid weather during the summer. Peter and Rigby also took swim lessons for a couple of weeks.

Summer 2015 - Adeline

Summer 2015 - Rigby

August 2015 - Rigby and Peter waiting for the school bus.

September 2015 - We always have plenty of homework and projects to do.  I foolishly thought I was done with this stuff when I graduated from college!

September 2015 - Adeline's first day of her preschool co-op group.

November 2015 - Rigby's Indian name for Thanksgiving was "Hopping Frog."

September 2015 - Our front door, frog friend that unfortunately got mashed in the front door the other day.

Reuben looks up to his big brother, Peter, so much. Peter is always so good to give him piggy back rides around the house and rescue him from his crib in the mornings.

December 2015

December 2015 - We often end up separating Peter and Rigby (they share a room) because they will not go to sleep at a decent time on school nights. We send Rigby to our room where we have a mattress at the bottom of our bed. When he falls asleep, we will carry him back to his room. One night he fell asleep in my robe.

July 2015

September 2015

October 2015 - Adeline's favorite stuffed animal is Minnie Mouse.

October 2015 - She is like a real life doll to me sometimes. I love shopping for cute dresses and coordinating them with bows, jewelry and shoes. I LOVE having a little girl; my one wish is that she had a sister though.

October 2015 - Some of Reuben's favorite things are his blanket that he chews on until it is soaked with saliva (yuck!) and playing or riding on any type of vehicle.

December 2015

December 2015 - Pink does not scare a boy with a big sister!

 Just like their Daddy, these boys love video games.

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